
Hi Kitty,
This is Barc, emailing you regarding your book. Euless, TX. Hope this helps and thanks for sharing the book with me. “Kitty writes deep from the heart in this poignantly true story of a mother’s love and a family’s struggle for answers as her gregarious son’s health deteriorates with a disease which, back then no one knew anything about. Chip’s valiant fight to live with Aids in the1980’s is impelling reading. The author brings you right into their lives, hopes, and frustrations in those dark days.”



Jarrard Keil

It is an intense book dealing with the reality of AIDS and how it affected the limitless love between a mother and son including all those around them. The book takes one through the life

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Kitty, Thank you so much for sharing your story with me. Although I had my own experience with those dark days, reading your story made me realize in a new way how dreadful those times

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Mark Stevens

Dear Kitty: You’ve braved “the bitter grief” and through reading your book I have vicariously come to “understand” some measure of this bravery. From title page to final page the one overriding theme, surpassing all

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Sharon Check

It was an honor and a privilege to read this special book by Kitty Caley. It is a book of love and compassion and selfless love by mother and son. We can all learn from

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