
Hi Kitty,
This is Barc, emailing you regarding your book. Euless, TX. Hope this helps and thanks for sharing the book with me. “Kitty writes deep from the heart in this poignantly true story of a mother’s love and a family’s struggle for answers as her gregarious son’s health deteriorates with a disease which, back then no one knew anything about. Chip’s valiant fight to live with Aids in the1980’s is impelling reading. The author brings you right into their lives, hopes, and frustrations in those dark days.”




Kitty Caley Ultimate Love A Life of Soul & Searching Is just that, it inspires you to look deep within yourself and closely at the relationships you have with your sons and daughters, as well

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Anne Elwood

Kitty, I read your book last night. I couldn’t put it down. What a sad but lovely story of the love between you and your precious son. It sounds like he was a very strong

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