
“The hard part is making sure people aren’t afraid to touch and read the book because it is about AIDS. It will help people to pick it up and read it. She was brave enough to expose everything; her feelings, things she felt were mistakes. She put that aside going with her gut feeling the information would help educate people.”

Paul Cobb: Management at AOC in Ft. Worth, TX.


Jennifer Jeffery

I have had the pleasure of knowing Kitty Caley. I was eager and delighted to get to know her better and more deeply by reading about her experiences as both she and her son struggle

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A neighbor, Mimi Maloney

Kitty Caley has written a book that really touches the heart Especially for me having one older son that is near the age her son would have been it really makes my mother’s heart ache

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Sharon Check

It was an honor and a privilege to read this special book by Kitty Caley. It is a book of love and compassion and selfless love by mother and son. We can all learn from

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Gwen Costa

CHIP’S SEARCH FOR LOVE is a compelling and stirring book. My capsule critique: A searing book. With verbal strokes we get to really know Chip as his mother paints the canvas of his life. The

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