
Flora Purvis performs a place entitled Mama’s Boy in which she tells of what it was like to have her son die of AIDS. At the break between shows, I am introduced to a woman who is the real Mama; she lost her son to AIDS in February and drove in from the mid-cities by herself to see this show. Her memories of him return so strongly that she breaks down and cries. We all comfort her. She gains her composure, tells us she is writing a book about her son, smiles and walks out into the night. As I watch the door close behind her, it was my turn to cry.

Craig Hess



Kitty Caley Ultimate Love A Life of Soul & Searching Is just that, it inspires you to look deep within yourself and closely at the relationships you have with your sons and daughters, as well

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Leroy Lowery

On the undertaking of reading “Ultimate Love” by Kitty Caley, this would not have been my next choice of books to read except for the fact that I know her personally and I was interested

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“Hello Kitty, I finished reading “Ultimate Love” about five minutes ago. I apologize for taking so long to finish it. There were so many things in Chip’s life that I related to. I had to

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