
Ultimate Love is a heart wrenching true story of love and loss. Life for all of us takes numerous unexpected twists and turns but this book truly shows that love is of the greatest importance. It is eye opening and disturbing to recognize the prejudices, especially in the medical arena, that once existed towards aids patients. Hopefully it is a thing of the past. The suffering is unimaginable. Reading this book has given me a greater understanding and compassion for all of God’s children who are suffering no matter the cause. Thank you for sharing your story.

Karla Bond


Robert Honstein

In her book, Ultimate Love: A Life of Soul and Searching, Kitty Caley courageously opens her home and heart by sharing some of the intimate details of the precious life of her son, Chip. In

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Kitty, Thank you so much for sharing your story with me. Although I had my own experience with those dark days, reading your story made me realize in a new way how dreadful those times

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