
I had the privilege of reading Kitty’s book shortly after getting to know her. I was impressed with the tenderness, which she spoke of her son and their relationship from his birth thru his passing. I was also impressed with the unquestioning, unconditional love that saved the both of them and got them through so many hardships and disappointments bringing them closer together. I think Kitty and her story stand as a wonderful example to all of us as we face our own trials; no matter the circumstances, to follow in the footsteps of the Ultimate Example and to show genuine love towards those we care about the most.

Kerri Cragun



Hi Kitty, This is Barc, emailing you regarding your book. Euless, TX. Hope this helps and thanks for sharing the book with me. “Kitty writes deep from the heart in this poignantly true story of

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Esther Norton

Ultimate Love by Kitty Caley is a true story, a story of a son and his mother who had such a bond since Chip was born and it continued throughout his life. Kitty’s support and

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Kitty Caley Ultimate Love A Life of Soul & Searching Is just that, it inspires you to look deep within yourself and closely at the relationships you have with your sons and daughters, as well

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