
It was an honor and a privilege to read this special book by Kitty Caley. It is a book of love and compassion and selfless love by mother and son. We can all learn from the examples set by Chip and Kitty. They truly exemplify the example of Jesus Christ our Savior.

Sharon Check


Theresa Thompson

Aunt Kitty, I have read your book in the last 3 weeks. You are a lovely Mother with a big beautiful heart. Chipper is so, so lucky having you as his mother. You gave him

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Aimee Smith

Ultimate Love: A Life of Soul and Searching by Kitty Caley I would like to thank you for sharing your book with me Kitty. It was an honor to read it. From the first page

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Kitty, Thank you so much for sharing your story with me. Although I had my own experience with those dark days, reading your story made me realize in a new way how dreadful those times

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Mike Ballard

“A Mother’s Love, A Mother’s Loss…” book by Kitty Caley Sometimes life throws you curves and you have to handle them with the best you can. No one stands around with a manual and tells

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