
I have just finished the novel “Ultimate Love” by Kitty Caley, and wanted to share my thoughts on it. You’re probably aware that it chronicles the life of Kitty’s son, Brandon “Chip” Williamson, as seen through her eyes; with most of the focus being on their individual feelings and their relationship as they fought their way through the unknown aspects of the condition that eventually took his life too early. Despite many agonizing frustrations stemming from Chip’s condition and its symptoms, the underlying theme is the unconditional love between mother and son, as well as the love shown by Kitty’s husband and Chip’s many friends. Unfortunately it also highlights that, in addition to the medical issue, there were also man-made problems to be addressed that resulted from the close mindedness of various professionals in positions of authority, and even from Chip’s biological father. The Constructive approach taken by Kitty and Chip in addressing these challenges, and overcoming most of the man-made ones, is truly inspiring.

One aspect of the construction of the book is especially noteworthy. I was initially surprised by the high level of detail of the book, and my first reaction was that this was drawback. As I continued, however, I saw that this actually helped me feel the frustration that Kitty and Chip were feeling in personal terms , which made me appreciate the positive milestones of their struggle all the more. I can wholeheartedly recommend this book to anyone interested in the positive aspects of people coping with a deadly condition in its early days before successful treatment protocols are established, or to anyone who can appreciate how love can make the best of a bad set of circumstances.

Don Wilcox
August 11, 2017



Kitty Caley Ultimate Love A Life of Soul & Searching Is just that, it inspires you to look deep within yourself and closely at the relationships you have with your sons and daughters, as well

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Jarrard Keil

It is an intense book dealing with the reality of AIDS and how it affected the limitless love between a mother and son including all those around them. The book takes one through the life

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Kerri Cragun

I had the privilege of reading Kitty’s book shortly after getting to know her. I was impressed with the tenderness, which she spoke of her son and their relationship from his birth thru his passing.

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