
I really appreciated this book a lot. I am a super religious person and I felt that I should read it. It taught me a great deal of things–first and foremost, it taught me love. Love for children. It isn’t easy to be patient with four children and you know, kids aren’t very fast (I heard “you just can’t rush a 3 year old. also, I have had 3 interruptions so far as I’m writing this! “I want water … l’m hungry, etc.”) But as you see Kitty tending to her son, you feel her patience will NEVER wear thin. She non Stop takes care of him, tending to his every need. She even quits her job without a word of complaint–anything just to be with her son Chip.

I also learned from Chip’s grueling ordeal; it’s just that it was SO HARD for him and it taught me endurance and not to be a “baby.” He endured in a way unimaginable; I just now realized he NEVER complained and you have no idea how bad the pain was. You can tell from Kitty’s description of what he went through, for example, his legs getting tangled in each other nonstop towards the end because he was so emaciated. That is just one of many painful sounding ordeals he went through. Yes, Chip might yell out in pain but never did he complain about the pain. He suffered so quietly and with such dignity.

Sadly, I don’t think he ever even described the pain to his mom, now that I think of it. She would figure it out on her own. He only would say, for instance, “my legs are tangled” or he might keep readjusting himself and then his mom would realize he had no tush to sit on so there was no cushion and she would realize why he kept readjusting himself. Yes, he suffered without complaining. When people were mean to him (which was actually rare because of his amazing personality that made so many friends for him) because of his AIDS, he suffered quietly as well.

This book taught me never to judge that just because someone is suffering something means they are being punished. There is NO WAY that could be true for Chip. You just have to trust me on that one. If you read the book, you will see that for sure is 100% true. I know there is a scripture where Jesus says not to judge that people are being punished for their sins when they suffer. Ours is to love unconditionally.

Well, I just learned so much from Kitty’s strength and endurance and Chip’s purity.

Sherrie Mota


Craig Hess

Flora Purvis performs a place entitled Mama’s Boy in which she tells of what it was like to have her son die of AIDS. At the break between shows, I am introduced to a woman

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Don Wilcox
August 11, 2017

I have just finished the novel “Ultimate Love” by Kitty Caley, and wanted to share my thoughts on it. You’re probably aware that it chronicles the life of Kitty’s son, Brandon “Chip” Williamson, as seen

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Esther Norton

Ultimate Love by Kitty Caley is a true story, a story of a son and his mother who had such a bond since Chip was born and it continued throughout his life. Kitty’s support and

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Leroy Lowery

On the undertaking of reading “Ultimate Love” by Kitty Caley, this would not have been my next choice of books to read except for the fact that I know her personally and I was interested

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