
Kitty Caley has written a book that really touches the heart Especially for me having
one older son that is near the age her son would have been it really makes my mother’s heart ache for her.”
I sincerely appreciate all she has done to try to make people aware of the tragic situation one goes through in dealing with a loved one dying with AIDS. She is to be commended for her work and the way she lovingly cared for her son.

A neighbor, Mimi Maloney


Gwen Costa

CHIP’S SEARCH FOR LOVE is a compelling and stirring book. My capsule critique: A searing book. With verbal strokes we get to really know Chip as his mother paints the canvas of his life. The

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Mike Ballard

“A Mother’s Love, A Mother’s Loss…” book by Kitty Caley Sometimes life throws you curves and you have to handle them with the best you can. No one stands around with a manual and tells

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